2004/ Object
“The concept of the modular method of stacked industrial units employs highly reflective boxes that are embedded in the cityscape; they enable a different reality to flicker through them with every glimpse. ”
Our proposal for the New York Street Light competition involves a unit of colored aluminum boxes aligned vertically, connected and held together. The work is inspired by Donald Judd's sculptures and by Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie: The lamp head is an aluminum box encased in a polycarbonate molding that projects light away the pole and indirectly, on the street below. The open boxes which act as frames that one can see through, are stacked within a vertical shining steel shaft. The shaft is composed of two parallel vertical steel units: one is hollow to accommodate electric wiring, while the other is only a flat surface. They constitute the frame, which hold the system boxes. The system includes internal and external boxes: the external boxes are fixed outside the steel structure according to the functional requirements of the site "walk/don't walk" boxes, street name boxes, etc. The internal boxes are pre-arranged to accommodate any combination of external ones. The overall height may be adjuted according to location-specific needs.
Project credits:
Architecture: Shilo Ben Aroya Architects
Commissioner: New York City